
We are together

I noticed that my friends have a link at their status. I was surprised to see that they were having the link of our blog. I changed my status also :D

Here's the proof:

If you want to, you can do the same or you can embed our logo.
If you made a link to our blog on your site/blog, please let us know, we will retrun favours.

Just copy this:



We are looking forward to commenting our posts and telling us what you think about the projects.

PS: The comments should be in English or Romanian, using a decent language.
One more thing, we will be grateful if you leave at least you name.

Dasiko Horio, Greece

Youth Exchange
Group Leadership T.C.

13-20 March, 2008

Izmir, Turkey

Attention Please !
26 Novemeber - 2 December, 2007

Ankara, Turkey

C.M.S. About Content Managment Systems
5-12 November, 2007

Ankara, Turkey

Different Cultures Common Sports
17 - 23 September, 2007


About Us

From the title you can understand that we are a youth organization with serious concerns about everyday issues.

You can find us in Buzău, Romania :), for more information ... just Google It.
On this blog you will find details about our already made projects and future ones.

Let's hope we can find new friends and reliable persons to work with.

Enjoy !

We had a lot of FUN !

September 2008

November 2007

November 2007